Nous sommes mardi le 15
septembre, 2015
Today, our class worked
on creating large numbers (up to 100), and also extended our learning of
hundreds, tens and ones (les centaines, les dixaines et les unités) to create
numbers up to 999. We used three styrofoam cups to represent each digit from 0-9 as ones, tens and hundreds.
Your child brought
his/her cups home tonight to explain to you how we can use these “number
generators” as a math tool. We used them in some fun races to create two or
three-digit numbers as trivia answers (ex- “How old are you?” (007), “How old
will you be in thirty years?” (037)). These are a quick and easy hands-on way
that we bring interactive learning to our math program with simple items you
probably already have around the home. Can your child identify anything else in
your home that he/she could use as a math tool? This will be an ongoing
discussion throughout our year. If your child thinks of any creative ideas at
home, please let us know and we would love to try it in our class!
-Please return any
outstanding agenda money ($6.00)
-Please sign and return the
Student Information forms that came home today!