Nous sommes le vendredi 25 Septembre
Hello parents!
Zoologists and animals working together :) |
A good zoologist needs a safari Jeep! |
Today, we played a math game called 1-200 (Un à deux-cent), and it got quite competitive! To play, you need one piece of paper per person, as well as one die and pencil for the group. Going around the circle clockwise, the player that rolls a "1" (or any other chosen number) first grabs the pencil and starts writing every number from one to two hundred. Meanwhile, everyone else is going around clockwise to roll as quickly as possible, and if another player rolls a "1", he/she grabs the pencil away and starts writing their own list. When your turn to write comes around again (which it does not always, by chance, as we learned today), you continue your list up to two hundred from where you left off. The first player to have completed their list to two hundred is the winner! We will continue this game throughout the year as practice with larger numbers, counting up/down, counting by multiples of 2/5, etc.
Today, we also celebrated 400 years of French presence in Ontario with our Fête franco-ontarien! We all wore green and white (the colours of the flag) and made a big "400" on the school field with every St. Patrick student! Finally, we raised the Franco-ontarien flag at our school and celebrated with face painting and a traditional franco-ontarien sweet treat!
-Some students have homework for Madame Holmes, where they are to discuss your home's emergency exits, in case of fire, if they do not already know.

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