Hello parents!
Today we had an awesome day of active learning! We spent the morning learning about monsters with our song "Si tu es un monster affreux" (which you can find {HERE} on YouTube). We also read the book, Crankenstein, and used these two books to get us talking about adjectives in French (scary, mean, angry, etc.). We will be making our own monsters tomorrow, and students will have the choice of using their monster or their own clothing on Thursday to present at our "Adjective Fashion Show"!
Dr. Mathématique ready for word problem surgery! |
We also dove into word problems, and we learned that word problems are helpful because they prepare us for "real-life" math that we do every day. We talked about how surgeons are great problem solvers because they diagnose a problem, take the problem apart (with surgery...or math calculations), and sew the patient back together (with a concluding full sentence that answers the original question). We got lots of practice with word problems in our Learning Centres today, and we suited up as surgeons to tackle the most tricky word problems! We had a great time 'walking the walk' of surgeons and applying our math problem solving skills!
Dr. Mathématique's patient for today was a geometry word problem! |
Guided steps for solving word problems. They are laminated to encourage us to learn from errors! |
Using a stethoscope to find the essential question of our word problem! |
Math surgeons hard at work! |
We also played a new game today, called "Le totale de vous", similar to the popular Headbandz game. In groups of three, we took turns being the caller, and the other two players had a headband around his/her head. The headband players then drew a card and placed it in their headband without seeing it, and the caller told both players the total of both numbers added together. Each player must then shout out what they think their number is, knowing only the other player's number, and the final total. This was great practice for our missing addend addition!
-Please bring in any remaining chocolate bar money! You have until next Monday to return, but some exciting prizes are coming tomorrow for those who are ready with their money tomorrow!
-November pizza orders