Happy Wednesday!
Your child received a pink form today to schedule your Progress Report Card interview. Please complete the form and return it ASAP to get your desired time. You can also send me a message via the Class Dojo app to schedule your time from home! We also received a white letter outlining our safety procedures for Halloween on Friday. We are not permitted to wear masks (hoods and hats that do not cover the face are allowed), nor will we bring accessories such as wands or swords. Students are responsible for any costume pieces that may be lost or damaged.
Today we put our artistic talents to work as we graphed our results from yesterday's Halloween surveys. We began the day looking at the FSL Homework Toolbox webpage to see examples of various bar graphs, pictographs, pie charts, etc. We discussed what we can and cannot learn from a graph of data. Take a look at some examples below:
How many students are in groupe 1? |
Why is it sometimes easier to use percentages instead of the actual number? |
Do we know which was more popular among the boys and girls? |
What is the order of these sports from least to most popular? |
How many girls like bananas? How many boys like oranges?
And here are just a few examples of our awesome work!